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A stunning morning sunrise from camp. Not a shabby way to start the day.Sunrise over the White Goat Wilderness and Mount Stewart.Sunrise over the White Goat Wilderness and Mount Stewart.Sunrise over the White Goat Wilderness and Mount Stewart.Sunrise over the White Goat Wilderness and Mount Stewart. Cataract Pass at upper right.Sunrise over the White Goat Wilderness and Mount Stewart.Sunrise over the White Goat Wilderness and Mount Stewart.Mount Stewart rises in the distance at left.Looking back at Cataract Pass (upper left) from the first moraine we mistakenly ascended.Looking back up to Mount Willis (C) and Cline Pass. Guardgoat at left.Eric follows me along the confusing undulating moraines in the upper Cataract Creek valley.Sunrise on the rockwall looming to the west over Cataract Creek.This is looking towards Cline Pass with Mount Willis in the sun - we did that peak the day before.Views back to Cataract Pass (L), Guardgoat Peak (C), Cline Pass (R) and Mount Willis (R).Guardgoat Peak catches sunrise as we work our way down the valley.Crossing Cataract Creek.Working our way down the Cataract Creek valley.Working our way down the Cataract Creek valley.The Cirrus Ramparts.Traversing the east side of the valley, looking back at Cataract Pass (L) and Guardgoat Peak (C).