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A gorgeous morning as we leave the truck.Naturally, the road improved after the bad start and only remained excellent to the pass!Following the road to the pass as it winds around the south side of Racehorse Peak (out of sight at upper right). Mount Ward at far left.Looking down the road you can see the smoky haze and how narrow the road is in places.Great views south to Ward and Crowsnest in the distance at left.Nearing the pass - Mount Racehorse directly ahead.We ascended on right hand slopes to the right skyline ridge before following it up and left to the summit.A gorgeous day as we hike up easy south slopes to the south ridge.Grass gives way to scree.Pleasantly surprised by the great view south including Crowsnest, Ward, Allison and Racehorse.Following the south ridge proper is more fun but not necessary if you don't like exposure.Taking a break on the south ridge. Summit at left, high point at center with the huge slabby scree bowl in between.Starting back up the south ridge.Looking down the scree / slab bowl towards the FSR and approach.The most fun was had by sticking right on the south ridge.Wietse having fun - this could be avoided on climber's left.The false summit at left, summit directly above Wietse here. There are some slabs in this section that beginner hikers may not like.