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Orient Point, Costigan, Phantom Crag, Black Rock, Devils Head, Poltergeist, Castle Rock, Astral (L -R).On the spur road leading off Hunter Valley Road with Kink Peak looking very respectable.Fallen Peak at left and Kink Peak at right.The open marshy areas with our two peaks in the distance.On the cutline now, chatting with two members of the "Dutch" club.Hiking along the cutline.Hiking along the cutline.Finally gaining height on an obvious trail through the light forest.Not quite as warm as this photo shows - but lovely nonetheless.Even with no recent tracks and fresh snow, the trail was pretty darn obvious.On the edge of a clearing we leave the trees and really start ascending.This is looking back from the start of the rock garden.Surprising views looking south to Fallen Peak from the rock garden.Another view, this time looking back over the boulder field at lower left.Phil kicks steps to the south ridge of Kink with Fallen looking attractive to the left.