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We weren't sure how far west towards the main Robson massif we had to wander before cutting around the Robson Glacier icefallThe slope steepens near the top of the icefall at about the same height as Extinguisher Tower.The icefall coming down the so-called 'Robson Cirque' is pretty impressive.Finally we are nearing the SW end of the icefall (visible at left here) and starting our turn towards Rearguard at center. Titkana at right.From here it looks like the direct route up the south ridge is the way to go. Once we got closer we changed our minds.Finally skiing a direct line towards our objective and the Rearguard Meadows.The terrain on the Robson Glacier is huge. We are off the glacier and unroped here as Ben follows me up Rearguard's lower snow slope with Mount Waffl in the background.Ben and Mike skin up Rearguard behind me with Waffl and part of the route to The Helmet (R) in the background.This is looking back at Waffl with The Helmet and Robson starting to show through the clouds and the Berg Glacier at right.Mike thought we were so close to the summit he didn't even bother following my kick steps - a move he regretted 30 minutes later!Resplendent is showing up now at far left! Waffl and The Helmet at right.Resplendent is a well-named peak. Look at her gorgeous snow and ice summit - how can you not want to ski that?!A wild scene opens up behind me as Resplendent, The Dome, Waffl, The Helmet and Whitehorn (L to R) are visible.A wild scene opens up behind me as Resplendent, The Dome, Waffl, The Helmet and Whitehorn (L to R) are visible.Ben on the summit ridge of Rearguard with the impressive Lynx Mountain in the background.Waffl, The Helmet and Robson at left. Whitehorn left of center with Steamboat, Anne-Alice, Berg Lake and Mumm Peak to the right of that.An unnamed ridge above Moose Pass.Anne-Alice is another fantastic ski objective in the Berg Lake area.The Hargreaves shelter is down there somewhere at the mouth of Toboggan Creek which comes down the drainage visible in the trees.