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Youch! That's bloody frosty!From the top of the clear cut the views are already pretty good, this is looking towards Birdwood (L) with the Fist, Smuts and Commonwealth Ridge at center.Hanneke is dressed for the weather! It was a very cold morning. Rummel Ridge in the bg.Making our way up Matt and Matt's tracks from about a week ago - very, very helpful.Great views towards French, Sir Douglas, Commonwealth Ridge, Birdwood, Smuts and The First (L to R) from near tree line on ascent.It's a steep grunt after breaking tree line! Commonwealth and Birdwood in the bg.The snow pack started to thin out once we got above tree line - it was wind blasted. Tent Ridge, Assiniboine, Shark, Turner and Cone visible.The rest of the route looks a bit intimidating with snow, cornice and some exposure.KC follows me up the ridge, Hann just visible on the high point behind us and gorgeous panorama of summits in all directions.Scree covered snow made for slick conditions with the 'shoes on.Looking across the Spray Lakes road towards Commonwealth Ridge, Birdwood, Smuts, The Fist and Tent Ridge.The Tower looms over Rummel Lake with Engadine in the bg to the left and Rummel Ridge at center left.The summit of LG is still a ways off at this point - best just to stick to the ridge.The exposure on the ridge is more obvious when looking back along it! Lots of peaks visible too.Galatea looms over Little Galatea - it's still one of my favorite Kane Scrambles. Gusty Peak and Chester to the right.Commonwealth, Birdwood, Smuts, The Fist, Tent Ridge, Assiniboine, Shark, Turner, Fortune, Cone, Nestor from L to R.Chester Lake is far below to the left with Mount Chester above. In the distance lies Warspite, French, Sir Douglas, Burstall.The Tower actually looks like a 'tower' from this angle.The giants of the Haig Icefield include Sir Douglas, Robertson, French and Smith Dorrien (R to L).Seems like a long time ago that I scrambled Chester.