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A clear, cold morning as we cross Bow Lake - always the coldest place around. Bow Peak in the distance at left.Getting near the back of Bow Lake with Bow Falls at center and the Onion and St. Nicholas at far left.The approach canyon for the Bow Hut and Crowfoot Mountain is a narrow and dangerous terrain trap, which is why you should only attempt it in stable avalanche conditions.After exiting the slot canyon we were on broad slopes beneath the Bow Hut with this view across the valley.The deluxe and luxurious Bow Hut - flagship hut of the ACC.The view of St. Nicholas from the Bow Hut is intimidating.Skinning up the headwall in brilliant sunshine.The Onion is a small summit on the Wapta above the Bow Hut (oos at lower right). Portal Peak just visible at far left.St. Nicholas doesn't look easy from this angle on the lower Wapta Headwall.Thompson (L) and Portal (C) are both scree slogs of a different nature.Rhondda (L) is an easy ski, Habel requires some tricky 4th class scrambling to attain it's apex (C) and Baker is a pretty steep snow climb.Andrew comes up behind me with St. Nicholas rising on the right.Skiing up to the St. Nicholas / Olive Col.A gorgeous, sunny, February day on the Wapta as we gain more height to the Olive / St. Nich col. Mount Collie is the beautiful peak in the distance.St. Nicholas Peak doesn't look trivial from the col!Gorgeous view of Mount Collie.Enjoying a break at the St. Nicholas col.Enjoying a break at the St. Nicholas col.We ended up skirting the lower ridge on climber's left before cutting up very steep snow to the ridge proper.