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We start the long trudge up Canyon Creek. Part of Mount Howard can be seen in the far distance left of center.Some ice hanging off Bryant's steep slopes at upper right and Howard's lower slopes in the upper left.Starting up the lower ridge on Howard - nearly 2 hours into the trip already!The team comes up the lower ridge, high above Canyon Creek.Looking south to the summit from the ridge - it's not the obvious high point here but further and slightly left.Looking back at the rest of the team coming up the ridge. Bryant on the left, Compression on the right.The views into the Canyon Creek headwaters to the west include a plethora of unnamed summits in the Fisher Range.Looking a long way back at the team and the ridge.Wow! That summit is still a long way off! It's the far apex just left of center here.Crossing intermediary bumps on the ridge as we work our way further and further into the Fisher Range of mountainsThankfully we can bypass some of the bumps easily on goat trails.Some easy scrambling terrain - again looking back at the rest of the team and the approach ridge.A Y-junction that we took advantage of on descent - heading down the right branch while we ascended the left one.The summit is getting closer. These snow slopes were rock hard in most places with some soft wind slab forming.One more trudge before we're on top - but the weather is turning dismal.Wow - not many views to be had from this summit today!Kelly is having a blast - literally.Vern 'enjoying' the summit of Mount Howard.Time to escape the gale.The weather slowly starts improving as we descend.