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The west summit at center as we traverse SW around the east summit which is out of sight at upper right here.Helmets on for the first time today! The summit block wasn't as difficult as it appeared.Heading up the east ridge to the summit.Heading up the east ridge to the summit.Despite being a rather lowly outlier, Red Argillite West was worth the minimal effort it took to tack on with its east summit. Mount Miles at right.Phil finishes up the slightly exposed slabs to the summit of the west "RA" peak.Views down the Middlepass Creek Valley towards the much wider Flathead River valley in the distance. Peaks along the ridge to the west include Mount Gerry Andrews and Trackyte Peak.A wider view includes Jake Smith and Scarpe Mountain at left showing how hard it is to access Scarpe Mountain even from the Middlepass Creek Valley at lower right.Looking back at the east summit of Red Argillite with Jake Smith Peak rising above with fresh snow.A great view north (L) east (C) and south (R) includes Middle Kootenay, Haig, Southfork, Three Lakes Ridge, "RA" east, Jake Smith and Scarpe Mountain.Phil descends towards the east peak of RA as the sun continues to cast longer and longer shadows.Looking back at Phil as we regain the eastern summit of Red Argillite. Mount Krowicki in the distance at right.Scarpe Mountain from the summit of the east peak of Red Argillite.Our traverse line off the ridge is obvious to the north, looking towards the south ridge of Three Lakes Ridge.The two peaks of Red Argillite at left with Krowicki and Miles at right distance.