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There they are! Happily grazing high above the high line trail on the SW slopes of Golden Mountain.A pretty big fossil - this one was the size of my fist.Standing on his hind legs, staring directly into my eyes he was pretty darn big.A magnificent Billy Goat.Pika's are extremely curious and very cute.Pika's are extremely curious and very cute.Mount Goats at Capricorn Lake.One of my favorite Rockies animals - a gorgeous mountain billy goat grazes near Capricorn Lake.Mountain Goats.A magnificent billy goat and his mate gaze down at us as we climb towards them.Mountain Goats.A giant moose skull / antlers.A giant moose skull / antlers.A magnificent scene of snow and rock - made even better with a magnificent Billy Goat at far left.A closer look at the Billy.Just me and the inquisitive, cute little Ptarmigan in a dramatic and peaceful setting.I love the feet on this bird which has obviously evolved to walk on the crappy Rockies snowpack.My first visitor of the day didn't want to share the trail!