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Ready to cross the Sheep River, looking upstream to Shunga-la-she.Sunrise through the forest beside the trail.The first 3.5-4km of trail are very bike-friendly - at least when dry like we had.The trail becomes less bike-friendly after the 4km mark.There are several gorgeous lookout spots along the trail overlooking Junction Creek.Some obvious signs of horse use along the trail.The trail vanished for a bit along Junction Creek where we took to the gravel flats before regaining the trail on climber's right.A view of the falls beneath the first unofficial camp site. The creek coming out from the right is the one to Junction Falls, but Junction Creek is at left here.Crossing the side creek after the first camp site and looking up stream from the crossing.The trail from the first camp site is definitely less maintained than the first 7km is.Now what?!The gorgeous deep pool just downhill from the 2nd camp site. We crossed Junction Creek here before going uphill on another good trail.Still on trail, still mostly in the forest.Looking back along the drainage towards Shunga-la-she and Highwood Peak.Looking up the drainage that we'll follow to treeline before our trail fades out. Outliers of Junction Mountain visible here.Great views across Junction Creek towards one of the Lineham peaks.Traversing to the west scree slopes of Pyriform around a scenic hanging valley along the way.Looking back along treeline and our approach. Note the lack of smoke?Looking back at part of our traverse line.Part of Dogtooth Mountain at left with more Lineham peaks at right.