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A gorgeous day as we start our hike.Maintained by the Central Alberta Mountain Club.Surprisingly nice views and open hiking on Tuff Puff. Whirlpool in the distance at left.A gorgeous morning to be out and about.Waiting for Vern to quit taking photos of flowers!It doesn't take long before you get views like this, looking back over the North Saskatchewan River towards the Siffleur Wilderness Area.Geoff hikes along the summit plateau on Tuff Puff with great views all around from Elliot and Ernest Ross at left to the Ex Coelis group at center to Siffleur, Peskett and Loudon at right.Views over the North Saskatchewan River towards Siffleur, Loudon  and Peskett (L to R) - giants in the Siffleur Wilderness.Looking directly south up the Siffleur River towards Cheshire, Erudite and Heinrich.The Ex Coelis group, from L to R, Normandy, Ardennes, Stan Waters, Rhine and Elbe.The fun starts as we make our way beyond Tuff Puff towards the headwaters of Two O'Clock Creek.Wonderful colors as we continue west along the ridge towards Whirlpool.An interesting scrambly bit along the ridge.Looking back over Tuff Puff towards William Booth.A beautiful area for an off-trail hiking adventure! Whirlpool's south ridge at distance left, Two O'Clock Peak at right.