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The South Cutoff Creek Trail starts with an unbridged creek crossing. Don't take it.Biking the North Cutoff Creek Trail.It's many kms just to reach the mountains from the staging area.OHV's can't go further than this - this trail accommodates them ("CC3").After "CC3" the trail becomes the "Clearwater Trail".The trail is heavily used by horses and wagon trains and it shows.Recent snow has turned the road into slick mud.Recent snow has turned the road into slick mud.The first of only two bridged crossings is over a lovely clear Cutoff Creek.The trail is more of a road in places.This outfitter camp sits on the edge of a lovely meadow about 12-13km from the parking lot.My lovely two wheel steed has helped me reach some pretty neat places over the years.An outlier of Scalp Peak over the meadow near CC4.The trail is more of a road from just past the "CC4" meadow to the Forbidden Creek crossing.Biking the Clearwater Trail towards Forbidden Creek.Biking the Clearwater Trail towards Forbidden Creek.There are side trails.Biking the Clearwater Trail towards Forty Mile Cabin.Biking the Clearwater Trail towards Forty Mile Cabin. Passing "CC5".Biking the Clearwater Trail towards Forty Mile Cabin.