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A gorgeous day as we start the ski up Burstall Creek from the parking lot.The wide approach trail is still well covered in snow this late in the season.The wide approach trail is still well covered in snow this late in the season.The wide approach trail is still well covered in snow this late in the season.On the Burstall Ponds with Commonwealth looming high above.This is a view of Sir Douglas (L) and Whistling Rock.Birdwood, Pigs Tail and Commonwealth (R).Very impressive views up the Robertson Glacier towards Robertson (L) and Sir Douglas (R).Very impressive views up the Robertson Glacier towards Robertson (L) and Sir Douglas (R).Very impressive views up the Robertson Glacier towards Robertson (L) and Sir Douglas (R).Robertson Glacier from the Burstall flats.Very impressive views up the Robertson Glacier towards Robertson (L) and Sir Douglas (R).Robertson Glacier from the Burstall flats.Robertson Glacier from the Burstall flats.After a steep grunt through forest, we popped out at the upper Burstall Meadows. Snow Peak on the upper right here.Ascending a draw towards Burstall Pass, looking back at Snow Peak (L) and Mount Birdwood (R).The views from the Burstall Pass area never disappoint! Snow Peak at left, Birdwood at center, Wietse at right.