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Views over the col from Mist Ridge to Gibraltar.Flowers and Mount Burns.Views along Mist Ridge (R) and to Gibraltar at left.Views over the col from Mist Ridge to Gibraltar.Looking south over Cliff Creek from near the col.Looking back up the east face of Mist Ridge.Ascending the west face of Gibraltar's west ridge.Ascending to the west ridge of Gibraltar.Mount Rae.Storm Mountain.Views up the Sheep River include Storm, Rae, Burns (R).Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain.Views back to Mist Ridge and up the Sheep River (R).Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain.Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain.Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain with views down the Sheep River (L).Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain.Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain.Ascending the west ridge of Gibraltar Mountain.Views back down the west ridge.