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Early morning hiking up French Creek.Early morning hiking up French Creek.Early morning hiking up French Creek.Early morning hiking up French Creek.Early morning hiking up French Creek.Early morning hiking up French Creek.Early morning hiking up French Creek.Above tree line, hiking up to the French / Robertson col and the Haig Glacier.Above tree line, hiking up to the French / Robertson col and the Haig Glacier.Views back to Piggy PlusViews back to Piggy PlusViews to the top of the scree cone access on Prairie Lookout.Views to the top of the scree cone access on Prairie Lookout.Above tree line, hiking up to the French / Robertson col and the Haig Glacier.Above tree line, hiking up to the French / Robertson col and the Haig Glacier.Grant traverses steep snow slopes beneath Mount Robertson towards Prairie Lookout.Steep snow slopes to the scrambling on Prairie Lookout.Views back to the French / Robertson col and Mount Robertson.Views over Piggy Plus to Mount Birdwood.Grant starts up the slabby, exposed west face of Prairie Lookout.