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A well used trail up the lower section of Vision Quest.Looking ahead up the south ridge to a much steeper section.Views along the south ridge over Abraham Mountain (L), Windy Point Ridge, Abraham Lake and Michener.There are a myriad of trails leading up the steep south ridge.Nearly at the hikers summit with the south high point ahead.Most folks stop here but I went up moderate terrain to the next high point visible here.Tiny people coming up the ridge behind me.Tiny people coming up the ridge behind me.Views NW along Vision Quest's long spine. Allstones Peak and Abraham Mountain also visible.The route up Allstones Peak is visible here.Views NW to Mount Stelfox, Brightstar Peak and the spine of Vision Quest Ridge.Views down over the hiker's summit towards Mount Michener and Abraham Lake.Awesome views back to the high point with Allstones, Abraham and Michener visible.Note the people on the high point who followed me up?Views back to the high point.Abraham Lake looks pretty neat despite the smoky haze.Views down Abraham Lake past Mount Michener (R).