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Early morning light as we cross the Panther River.Early morning light as we cross the Panther River.Looking along the new wagon trail it's obvious bikes won't work here.Hiking along the wagon trail.We start to find Grizzly tracks along the old wagon trail.Hiking the old wagon trail.A deeply horse-rutted shortcut along the old wagon trail.The ground is frozen here, preserving recent tracks.Walking in the footstep of local residents.These areas were boggy later in the day.Trails are recently and well maintained by the local outfitter.Back on the new wagon trail.Approaching the gap.The 2nd and 3rd crossings of the Panther River at the gap.The 2nd and 3rd crossings of the Panther River at the gap.The 2nd and 3rd crossings of the Panther River at the gap.